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Use cases

HR recruitment

Implemented transformative workflow automation, including 10+ specialized apps, at a legal firm, leading to a substantial boost in overall productivity by allowing the team to focus on complex legal matters and a dramatic improvement in document processing accuracy through near-zero error automation.

Save on Salaries
Improved productivity

Long heading is what you see here in this feature section

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Subheading one

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros.

Subheading two

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros.


The recruitment agency faced challenges in efficiently managing its large client base and job matching process. They were responsible for processing numerous CVs, assessing each candidate's profile, education, experience, skills, and location to identify the most suitable employment opportunities. Concurrently, their team of 30 members was tasked with analyzing new job listings daily.

This involved meticulously reviewing each job offer, discerning potential matches, and effectively linking employers with relevant candidate profiles. The complexity and volume of this process demanded a high level of precision and coordination, presenting a significant challenge in balancing efficiency with the quality of matches.

Legacy state

Data processing dept. :

30 people

Customers data processed:

1200 max / monthly


We Re-started the agency's data processing capabilities using advanced machine learning techniques and a specialized large language model. This innovation enabled the agency to automate data extraction from CVs and user profiles, achieving a staggering increase in efficiency — processing data 100 times faster than before.

In parallel, we automated the daily processing of thousands of job offers. This system meticulously mapped all job offer data against each customer profile, ensuring precise and relevant matches.

As a result of these technological advancements, the agency's capacity to process and match data saw an extraordinary leap. They could now handle in a single day the volume of data they previously processed in a month, dramatically enhancing their service quality and operational efficiency.

Automation state

Data processing dept.:

12 people

Customers data processed:

4000 / monthly


We Re-started the agency's data processing capabilities using advanced machine learning techniques and a specialized large language model. This innovation enabled the agency to automate data extraction from CVs and user profiles, achieving a staggering increase in efficiency — processing data 100 times faster than before. In parallel, we automated the daily processing of thousands of job offers. This system meticulously mapped all job offer data against each customer profile, ensuring precise and relevant matches. As a result of these technological advancements, the agency's capacity to process and match data saw an extraordinary leap. They could now handle in a single day the volume of data they previously processed in a month, dramatically enhancing their service quality and operational efficiency.

Automation state

Data processing dept.:

Data processing dept.

12 people

Customers data processed

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